Scenario and Maps
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Scenarios and Maps data can be edited in the Resources/Scenario or Resources/Maps folders, you can use Ctrl-D on a file to duplicate it if you want to create a new one.
A scenario is the top level data, each game will consist of 1 scenario that can be selected when creating a new game, a scenario will go through multiple maps 1 by 1 until they are all completed. Within a map, there will be various locations to explore, each location will contain a randomized Map Events amongst the ones that are available to this map.
In the demo there is only 1 scenario, but it has been dupplicated to test the scenario at different player count. So there is a scenario for 1 player, one for 2 players and one for 4 players.
Maps are Randomly generated based on a set of configurations on the map data.
On the scenario, you can set the number of champions (or players) and the starting gold/xp, as well as the maps that will be visited during the game.
Maps are randomized each game, but in a way that is defined in the map data.
On each map you can set the default scenes for the map and for battles.
Depth: The number of locations that needs to be visited to complete the map. So a map with depth of 10 will have 10 column from left to right (each column can have more than 1 location).
Width Min: Minimum number of possible locations in a single column
Width Max: Maximum number of possible locations in a single column.
Fork Probability: The probability that a location will split into 2 choices for the player to chose. So a value of 0.25 would mean that 1/4 of locations will give you a choice for the next location, while 3/4 of locations will go in a straight line.
Events: Possible events that can be at any location, some events are battles, other events can be choices the player need to make, and other events can be a shop to buy items or upgrade your cards.
Fixed Locations Width: You can define a fixed width on any column, for example, if you want only once choice for the last depth (lets say you want a boss at the end) you could set that depth 10 has always a width of 1.
Fixed Locations Events: You can define fixed event that will always appear at a specific location, for example you could set that the last location is always a boss battle, or that every 3 depth you get the chance to upgrade you cards.