
All champions data and enemies data can be edited in the Resources/Characters folder, you can use Ctrl-D on a character file to duplicate it if you want to create a new one.


the id is what is saved in the save file to know which cards a player own or which cards are in their deck. So once you choose an ID for a card, try to not change it, also try to avoid spaces or special characters in the ID. The title can be changed freely and can contain special characters (as long as your font support it).


Link to the prefab that will be spawned during a battle. Prefab should already be setup correctly with the appropriate sprite for this character, as well as contain the characterUI.


Traits do not have intrinsic effects, but can be referenced by abilities. For example the Howl card has an ability "All wolves gain +1 power". This is done by adding the wolf trait to all wolf characters, and by adding the condition is_wolf on the ability target.


Permanant abilities that the character has during battles.


Start Cards

Cards that will be in this champion's deck at the start of the game.

Unlock Cards

Cards that can be earned during the adventure. Instead of referencing each card individually, you must select a class of cards. For example, the Adventurer champion can earn both Adventurer cards and Neutral cards.



Defines the enemy behavior, this is how the enemy will determine which card to play each turn. Unlike player characters, enemies have access to their whole card pool and don't have a "hand", but the card they play will be decided by their behavior. They still need enough mana to spend to play a card. Most enemies have the Random behavior, but for some (like boss battles) it can be more interesting to define a more specific behavior.

Reward Gold/XP

Gold and XP earned by the players when defeating this enemy.

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