TCG Engine Roguelike
TCG Engine Roguelike Edition is a template to create Roguelike Deckbuilding games in Unity. Based on the original TCG Engine, it has been reworked to support Players VS AI adventure, with map progress, events, and deckbuilding throughout your adventure. It supports both solo play and co-op multiplayer, using peer to peer or a dedicated server.
Both the Game Client and Game Server are part of the same Unity project. The Game Server also includes Lobby system to create rooms and let other players join. If you want to play solo or join others with p2p with direct IP, you do not need the game server.
Coding and Development
This is not a no-coding asset. And while cards and abilities can be edited directly from the data files (scriptable objects), you will need to edit the code to add features or change the core game rules. I made the decision to not include any custom editor GUI to keep the code as simple as possible and useable for a varied level of programming skills. A custom GUI editor would make the code a LOT more complex, and while they are nice at first for people with no experience, they can quickly become extremely limitative, or force you to do more programming for every task since you would need to consider the editor as well...
My goal is to encourage people to go and edit the code directly. I put a high priority on keeping the code clean and well structured. We have a Discord community for people to help each other if you are just starting with coding. And I will be glad to listen to any feedback to improve the code in future versions if needed.
Check the Scripts section for more info on the most important scripts, and how to inherit the base conditions and effects class to make your own.
Tutorial videos are available on Youtube.
Last updated