Map Events

Map Events define what happens when the players move to a new location on the map. There can be many different types of events that can be used.

Each type of event will have a default icon that will display at the location on the map, giving a clue to the player what type of event is at the location, without totally revealing it in advance. These icons can be changed on the prefab MapLocation

Depth Min/Max: All events can have a minimum or maximum depth you can encounter this event on the map, if both value are set to 0, that event can appear at any depth level.

Battle Events

Events that will start a battle and load the battle scene.

On this type of event you can set the scene to load (or leave it empty to use the map's default scene) and the enemies that will be in the battle.

Choice Events

Choice events show some text to the player and let the player decide between different options. Normally each of the choices will link to another event, like an effect event or battle.

Trade Events

Use this event to give rewards to the player or force them to lose some specific items. You don't actually need to trade anything, you can have nothing in the Spend section and only give rewards like gold or cards with this type of event.

Effect Events

These events use the condition and effect system used by abilities during battles, so if you need to use an effect or check a condition about the game state, you can use this type of event.

See the Abilities section to understand the parameters in this type of event, since they work a bit the same way.

Shop / Upgrade Events

These simply open the shop or upgrade panel, to buy items or upgrade your cards.

Custom Events

It is possible to code your own map events, more info on coding your own in the scripts section.

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