Scripts Overview
Here is an overview of the main scripts in DQ.
Main manager script for the DQ asset, it should be part of the DQ Manager prefab and contain various functions to start/stop an Event or to start/stop quests.
Access with NarrativeManager.Get()
Contains all the data that can be saved, when calling the Save() function inside that script, all the variables inside the NarrativeData class will be serialized to a save file. It contains the status of quests, the list of events that have been triggered, and other useful data like custom variables that have been set.
Access with NarrativeData.Get()
Audio Manager that can be used to play sfx or music, by calling functions like PlaySFX or PlayMusic.
UI script for displaying dialogues when they are playing
UI script for displaying quests when the quest journal is opened
All the components discussed in the previous section of this doc, should have the same script name as its respective component.
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