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Quest are scriptable objects (right click -> Create -> DialogueQuests -> Quest). And loaded from the Resources/Quests folder (by default), by the DQ Manager.
Quest ID: a reference unique to each quest, used in the save file.
Title and Desc: Text displayed as title and description of this quest. Icon: Icon for the quest. (optional). Sort Order: Optional, to sort the quest in a specific order in the quest panel.
Quests are started, and completed by using NarrativeEvents and NarrativeEffects.
Quests have 4 possible status: not started, active, completed, failed.
Alternatively, it is also possible to Start or Complete a quest by calling a function in script:
Quest Steps are optional, but it is possible to define additional "steps" to a quest. The text will be updated in the Quest Journal based on which step the quest currently is at. You can update the current step of a quest with a NarrativeEffect, or by calling a function inside NarrativeManager.
Quests will appear in the Quest Panel (open it with J by default), once they are started or completed.